Our office strives to be the most convenient dental practice for all of our patients. You have a busy schedule and we want to make dental treatment easy for you.
Location – We are located right across from Swansea High School in the heart of town. Our practice is conveniently located for residents of Gaston, Pelion, North, St. Matthews and Sandy Run so that you do not have to travel far for all your dental needs. Your time can be saved from driving long distances into Columbia, Lexington, or Orangeburg by visiting our office.
Same Day Treatment – A lot of same day services can be performed whether you are a new patient, need a dental hygiene appointment, or emergency treatment. We always have time scheduled to see emergencies and will provide options for you to be seen during the week.
Block Appointments – Families can be seen together in block appointments to save parents the time and hassle from multiple visits. This allows everyone in your home to be seen at once.
Comprehensive Care – Our office offers many different dental care options for you. Beyond traditional and preventive dental services, we provide treatment such as Six Month Smiles braces, dentures, and wisdom teeth removal that can be done locally and without paying higher fees to a specialist.